White Women and Affirmative Action

When white people voice opposition to affirmative action, it is sometimes claimed that this is hypocritical or problematic because white women have benefited more than any other group from affirmative action. Generally, this claim is made in popular press on the basis of no serious evidence. For instance, Moore (2022), writing in "Teen Vogue" claimed … Continue reading White Women and Affirmative Action

The Unreliability of Rationally Formed Beliefs

Imagine there are ten people trying to guess the number of balls in a jar. Broadly speaking, these people could be divided into three groups of people using different methods to figure this out. Despite these groupings, ten different answers are given. Each person felt that their method produced the correct answer, that the other … Continue reading The Unreliability of Rationally Formed Beliefs

How Bad Has the US Economy Become for Regular People? (1970 – 2020)

For the last fifteen years or so, economic populism has become increasingly popular among both the political left and right. This rise has gone hand in hand with the proliferation of a narrative which says that the economic gains in this country have gone exclusively to elites since the 1970s while theĀ  incomes of regular … Continue reading How Bad Has the US Economy Become for Regular People? (1970 – 2020)

On Fagan and Holland’s Culture Fair Tests of Intelligence

This article concerns a form of intelligence test devised in the 2000s which supposedly measures intelligence but lacks the cultural bias normally contained within IQ tests and, as a result, shows that American races do not actually differ in mean intelligence or that, to the degree they do, this is due to cultural factors rather … Continue reading On Fagan and Holland’s Culture Fair Tests of Intelligence

Evidence of Voter Fraud in the 2020 US Presidential Election

In this article, I will argue that there are many lines of evidence the combination of which justifies us thinking that significant voter fraud occurred in the 2020 US election which increased the chances of Joe Biden winning in key swing states. Before turning specifically to the 2020 election, it is important to note that … Continue reading Evidence of Voter Fraud in the 2020 US Presidential Election